Is The Alcubierre Warp Drive Possible? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios
Although they breeze by the point at 3:55-4:00, the “Negative Mass Matter” required to build this warp drive does exist, and is starting to become part of the mainstream scientific literature:
Physicists create ‘negative mass’ – Eric Sorensen April 17, 2017
Credible Scientific Research into Antimatter and Antigravity:
Research being done at Universtiy of Bern 2013
The 3rd International Workshop on Antimatter and Gravity (WAG2015) …can’t wait for the 4th one!
Enter the PhOENIX…
A new theory based on logic, topology, and combinatorics which produces all the known particles in physics and explains the symmetry breaking in matter/antimatter.
Anti-gravity is the idea of creating a place or object that is free from the force of gravity. It does not refer to countering the gravitational force by an opposing force of a different nature, as a helium balloon does; instead, anti-gravity requires that the fundamental causes of the force of gravity be made either not present or not applicable to the place or object through some kind of technological intervention.
In the first mathematically accurate description of gravity, Newton’s law of universal gravitation, gravity was an external force transmitted by unknown means. However in the early part of the 20th century Newton’s model was replaced by the more general and complete description known as general relativity. In general relativity, gravity is not a force in the traditional sense of the word, but the result of the geometry of space itself. These geometrical solutions always cause attractive “forces”.
Conservation Laws
If any form of gravity manipulation is to be discovered it must not violate basic conservation laws. For this reason, ideas of gravity shielding are proven impossible, since placing the machine under one end of a large balanced wheel would cause the wheel to begin spinning due to the reduction in weight on one side. True gravity shielding would work with any size weight, so one could simply build an enormous flywheel and by shielding the gravity on one side cause the wheel to begin spinning thus releasing an enormous amount of power, far in excess of the required to power the gravity shielding device. This is another example of an unworkable device, and thus conservation laws prove gravity shielding unfeasible and wrong. In order for anti-gravity to work without violating conservation laws it must apply uniformly across an entire body, and cannot be a localized space-time transformation. The idea of warp drives are feasible, it’s all about finding way to open a wormhole in front of your craft.
Propulsion Technologies
The term anti-gravity is also sometimes used to refer to hypothetical reactionless propulsion drives such as Biefeld Brown Effect Lifters and Beam Propulsion technologies like and Microwave Phase Conjugators. Although these do oppose gravity, they cannot be consider true anti-gravity machines.
The Need for New Physics
Einstein’s derivations explain gravity, yet they do not coincide with the laws of Quantum Mechanics. Both theories are incomplete, and the hunt is on for a Unified Field Theory of physics.
High Energy Physics
Most of mainstream physics is convinced that the answer will be found at extremely high energies. This is the reason for building the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, which is the world’s biggest particle accelerator. The picture on the left is of ATLAS, which is a huge array of various particle detectors. The idea is to accelerate 2 protons, in opposite directions. Get them going so fast that their Kinetic Energy is equal to two Titanics crashing at full cruising speed. All that energy is concentrated onto a single point as the two protons are made to collide inside of this giant room full of detectors.
Low Energy Physics
However some scientists believe that the answer lies in low energy cryogenic systems such as Superconductors and Superfluids, Bose-Einstein Condensates, Casimir Effect, Zero Point Energy, and Cold Fusion. While MIT tries to mimic fusion reactions in the sun by recreating incredibly hot and dense conditions with the Tokamak, James Patterson and other Cold Fusion researchers, including the US NAVY (SPAWAR) have reported positive results using 50 nm Palladium black as a catalist for Deuterium Oxide being stimulated at 14 kHz by an Infra-Red pre-heater.
Podkletnov’s Gravitational Anomaly

Dr. Eugene Podkletnov worked at a Laboratory in Finland specializing in Superconductor research. While working there as a scientist he mastered the technique of making very large diameter Superconductor Discs. While experimenting with a 30.4cm disc stimulated at 3 MHz he noticed a gravitational anomaly appeared. Podkletnov published his results, which have since been confirmed by the European Space Agency, and NASA. Boeing Aerospace even showed their interest in the effect.
Beoing interest in Podkletnov experiment
The following image is from This BBC News Article from Monday, 29 July, 2002, 03:23 GMT 04:23 UK, titled “Boeing tries to defy gravity”
However, this story by Chris Genna claims that Boeing Denies the Antigravity Research Story…
We have to ask ourselves who else might be exploring this technology?
Frank Znidarsic and The Velocity of the Transitional Quantum State
Frank Znidarsic noticed that when you multiplied the frequency times the wavelength in both the Podkletnov, and the Cold Fusion experiments, the same velocity emerged… After puzzling over what this Velocity could be, he got some insight from reading the book “What is Quantum Mechanics” by the LEX foundation in which they talked about the Transitional Quantum state and how the Velocity of the Transitional Quantum state is unknown. Frank reasoned that this velocity was that of the Quantum Transition and worked out a method by which it could be used to derive Planck’s Constant.
In 1992 Dr. Eugene Podkletnov stimulated a 30.4cm YBaCuO superconducting disk at 3 megahertz. The experiment produced a gravitational anomaly that attracted world wide attention. Martin Tajmar performed similar experiments for the European space agency and got similar results.
NASA’s Marshall Space Center followed with some experiments of their own. Znidarsic was invited to NASA by Whitt Brantley and David Noever to watch these experiments first hand. To his surprise the same velocity emerged; 1/3 meter times 3 megahertz equals One million meters per second.
Znidarsic concluded that this must be the velocity of light inside the medium. The velocity of light is normally c. However, it goes slower (.9c) in a medium like glass. Inside of a superconductor or Bose condensate it can go even slower. Recent experiments with Bose condensates have slowed the velocity of light to nearly a stop! Znidarsic believed that this velocity was also that of the of quantum transition. Normally quantum transition is described by the stationary quantum state. These stationary quantum states have an amount of angular momentum described by n times Planck’s constant. This understanding of these stationary quantum states is the basis of our fundamental understanding of the universe. It underlies chemistry which in-turn underlies biology.
Frank Znidarsic believed that the velocity exhibited in these new experiments was also that of the transitional quantum state and wrote this paper to prove it. This is the transmittal quantum state now revealed.
Frank Znidarsic rearranged Coulomb’s constants into the form of the elastic energy of a spring. together they equal a group constant K. The variable 1/r remains the same. The strength of the electric field varies with distance r away from the electron and this is reflected in this variable elastic constant. The speed of sound also varies at different locations within the electron.
The condition of the velocity of light was set equal to the condition produced by the velocity of sound within the nuclear and thus, electronic structure. The velocity of a wave in medium is determined by the stiffness of that medium. The greater the strength of the forces within the medium, the faster the wave propagates. This is why sound travels faster in steel than in water. In the case where all the waves are going at the same velocity the strength of the forces between the components is the same. This implies that the strength of the electromagnetic, gravitomagentic, and nuclear forces converge under this condition.
This discovery has important technical ramifications. It shows the conditions necessary to control the natural forces. As in, controlling Gravity and Nuclear Forces. This idea does not end in the clouds, however, it can also be used to produce the structure of the hydrogen atom (in equation #12.) This has never been done before from a classical premise.
Not only that, but the structure was extended to produced the intensity of spectral emission. Frank suggests that the natural force fields are pinned into the structure of matter at this discontinuity. The transitional quantum state removes the discontinuity and releases the fields.
The Transitional Quantum State It consists of a vibrating Bose condensate. The vibration of a Bose condensate at this dimensional frequency of 1.094 megahertz-meters appears to increase the strength of the phonons that bind the condensate. This increased strength invites nuclear participation. Superconductors and proton conductors can be externally vibrated to harness the effect. This new understanding of the process of the quantum transition may allow a multi-bodied macroscopic object to be placed into a state of quantum transition. Trillions of atoms may be enjoined within a single state of quantum transition. Strong gravitational and long-range nuclear effects will be produced. The long-range nuclear effects may be used for the production of energy and the reduction of nuclear waste. The strong gravitational effects may be used for propulsion.
Gaps in Znidarsic’s Theory:
Frank’s theory falls short in that it does not explain internal degrees of freedom in Quantum Mechanics, such as electron scattering and spin.
I first found Frank’s theory when I was taking Quantum Mechanics as an undergrad student. It helped me to conceptualize and understand the electron-proton spring-wave dynamics behind the Schrodinger Wave equation in a neo-classical sense. Though I soon realized, with extra degrees of freedom like spin, fine structure, and perturbation theory… That there was something more going on…
My research eventually led me to Topology and Combinatorics, which I soon realized were the purest forms of mathematics. Our methods of calculation are simply one permutation of all the combinatoric possibilities.
Quantum Entanglement and Gravity
From Focus issue: Entanglement and quantum gravity
We do not yet have a global coherent picture of the relations between quantum field theory, gravity and thermodynamics, and the various developments sampled (or reviewed) in this special issue do not combine into a global coherent picture yet. However, they do converge in pointing out that entanglement entropy plays a central role in this tangle of problems, a role that was probably underestimated, or misinterpreted, for some time. For instance, standard arguments against the possibility of relating black hole entropy with entanglement, such as the ‘species problem’ are now recognized as far less compelling than before.
The relevance of this change of perspective should not be underestimated. Just to make one example, the generalized second law of thermodynamics, according to which the total (non-decreasing) thermodynamic entropy must include the black hole area, is likely to be valid only as a first approximation, if the black hole entropy is dominated by entanglement entropy and if the horizon, because of quantum effects, turns out to be an apparent horizon rather than an event horizon. Thus, a complete evaluation of the role of entanglement entropy in the thermodynamics of spacetime is essential.
Quantum gravity alone is not the only major theoretical open problem in fundamental physics: gravity, quantum theory and thermodynamics form a triple, whose full interconnections we have definitely not yet understood. As soon as quantum effects appear in a curved spacetime, thermal aspects appear to be unavoidable. Therefore, combining thermodynamics and (full) gravity might turn out to be even more crucial than understanding the quantum aspects of the gravitational field alone. In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that entanglement entropy is a central ingredient for the synthesis we are seeking.
The quantum source of space-time (From:
“Many physicists believe that entanglement is the essence of quantum weirdness — and some now suspect that it may also be the essence of space-time geometry.”
-Ron Cowen
Quantum entanglement as geometric glue — this was the essence of Van Raamsdonk’s rejected paper and winning essay, and an idea that has increasingly resonated among physicists. No one has yet found a rigorous proof, so the idea still ranks as a conjecture. But many independent lines of reasoning support it.
In 2013, for example, Maldacena and Leonard Susskind of Stanford published5 a related conjecture that they dubbed ER?=?EPR, in honour of two landmark papers from 1935. ER, by Einstein and American-Israeli physicist Nathan Rosen, introduced6 what is now called a wormhole: a tunnel through space-time connecting two black holes. (No real particle could actually travel through such a wormhole, science-fiction films notwithstanding: that would require moving faster than light, which is impossible.) EPR, by Einstein, Rosen and American physicist Boris Podolsky, was the first paper to clearly articulate what is now called entanglement.
Maldacena and Susskind’s conjecture was that these two concepts are related by more than a common publication date. If any two particles are connected by entanglement, the physicists suggested, then they are effectively joined by a wormhole. And vice versa: the connection that physicists call a wormhole is equivalent to entanglement. They are different ways of describing the same underlying reality.
No one has a clear idea of what this underlying reality is. But physicists are increasingly convinced that it must exist. Maldacena, Susskind and others have been testing the ER?=?EPR hypothesis to see if it is mathematically consistent with everything else that is known about entanglement and wormholes — and so far, the answer is yes.