Tajmar ESA Experiments
Experiments performed by Martin Tajmar of the European Space Agency are pretty conclusive in proving the effect is purely a result of charged ion wind (electrohydrodynamics).
Whether or not the Biefeld Brown Effect is Gravitic in Nature, or a result of ion wind is something I have puzzled over for the past year or so, since I first read Paul LaViolette’s book and his chapters on the life of Thomas Townsend Brown as well as the chapter on Sub-Quantum Kinetics.
Regardless of what produces the effect, let’s first take the time to acknowledge that
- A. There IS an effect… and
- B. The Government and Military have kept it covered up and classified for 80 years, while using it to build advanced stealth aircraft.

B2 Advanced Technology Bomber

In its March 9, 1992, issue, aviation week & space technology magazine made the surprising disclosure that the B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber electrostatically charges its exhaust stream and the leading edges of its winglike body. Although these disclosures were framed in the context of enhancing the B-2’s radar invisibility, in fact they are part of an electrogravitic drive capability. Aviation week obtained this information from a small group of renegade West Coast scientists and engineers who were formerly associated with black research projects, which are defense research projects that are so secret even their very existence is classified.
The Effect was first discovered in 1928 yet there has never been any official statement made by the US Government confirming or denying it. Why not? Isn’t it time we opened the doors?
Discovery by Thomas Townsend Brown
The graphic on the right shows a depiction of the alleged gravitational effect, arguing that conservation of physical laws is maintained by the G-hill and G-well’s both summing to zero.
Below are pictures of Brown’s original asymmetric capacitor design consisting of glass plates between sheets of lead and insulation. The glass acting as the capacitor’s dielectric medium.
Brown’s “Gravitator”
My Original Video on the Biefeld-Brown Effect
(Shortly after reading Dr. Paul LaViolette’s book on “Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion”)
“The origins of electrogravitics can be traced back to Nikola Tesla’s work with high-voltage shock discharges at the turn of the 20th century, and somewhat later to Thomas Townsend Brown’s relatively unpublicized discovery that electrostatic and gravitational fields are closely intertwined. Unfortunately the electrogravitic effect has for the most part been ignored by mainstream academics, because the phenomenon isn’t anticipated by either classical electrostatics or general relativity.”
– Dr. Paul LaViolette, Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion

“Thomas Townsend Brown was born in 1905 to a well-to-do Zanesville, Ohio family. At an early age, he displayed a keen interest in space travel and dreamed of one day travelling into space himself. His discovery of the electrogravitic phenomena occurred during his high school years, when his interest in space travel led him to toying with a Coolidge tube – a high-voltage x-ray emitting vacuum tube. Brown had the insight to mount the tube on a delicate balance to investigate whether it might produce any thrust. To his surprise the tube moved every time it was turned on. Ruling out X-rays as the cause of this mysterious force, he traced the effect to the high voltage he was applying to the tube’s plates. After additional experiments, Brown eventually developed an electric capacitor device that he termed the gravitator. One version consisted of a wooden box, 2 feet long and 4 inches square, that contained a series of massive, electrically conductive plates made of lead and separated from one another by electrically insulating sheets of glass, which served as the capacitor’s dielectric medium. When energized with up to 150,000 volts of Direct Current, Brown’s gravitator developed a thrust in the direction of its positively charged end.”
Brown entered the California Institute of Technology in 1922 and began establishing himself as a first class lab man. His goal was to win over his professors so he could show him the results of his experiments and hopefully get them interested in the electro-gravitic phenomenon. He had some equipment from his laboratory in ohio shipped out to California hoping to demonstrate the effects to his professors. Unfortunately they showed absolutely no interest. Brown would later leave Cal Tech heartbroken, and attend college back in Ohio. Brown would later publish a paper on his research and use the name of one of his professors Dr. Alfred Biefeld. It is uncertain whether Dr. Biefeld had any influence on the experiments or in the production of the paper.

In 1955 and 1956 under the sponsorship of the French Government Thomas Townsend Brown conducted a series of vacuum chamber experiments at facilities made available by Societe Nationale du Constructions Aeronautiques du Sud-Ouest, a Paris-based aeronautical corporation. There, brown successfully flew a pair of miniature saucer airfoils in a high vacuum of less than one billionth of an atmosphere. Not only did the discs propel themselves more efficiently inside of a vacuum, but they also sped faster, since, without ion leakage, they could be energized with greater voltages.

Brown also called attention to this affect in his 1960 electrokinetic apparatus patent, which describes using a flame jet generator to place a high-voltage positive charge on a needlelike electrode at the front end of a rocket. Aerospace companies later put Brown’s suggestion into use. A spike was placed at the nose of a rocket and caused to emit a high-voltage arc. Wind tunnel studies showed that the resulting electric field pushed the bow shock front away from the rocket nose so that it no longer contacted the main body of the missile and, hence, substantially reduced air drag.
My friend Tim Ventura of American Antigravity has done extensive experiments on the TTB Effect and lifter technology: