The Story of UFOlogy starts with the CIA in the 1940s and 50s, when Operation Paperclip brought NAZI scientists and craft like the Horton Parabola over from Germany after WW2, Collaborated with Canadian company Avrocar (above photo) on saucer-shaped craft, and hired engineers like Alfred C. Loedding to design and build saucer shaped airplanes for the US Air Force.
At Redstone Arsenal, the NAZI Paperclip scientists would start the NASA Space Program that put a man on the moon, along with the same scientists who built the Atomic Bomb for the Manhattan Project in just 4 years. Â
CIA Project RAINBOW (1956-)
The CIA had learned about the Anechoic Tiles on German sub U-480 which used metamaterials tuned to the enemy radar frequency for stealth, and were hard at work developing these technologies into feasible anti-radar systems or Electronic Counter CounterMeasures or “ECCMs”.
Much of the CIAs work out at Area 51 over the next several decades would be in advanced ECMs and ECCMs according to T.D. Barnes and others I’ve interviewed.