The Real Bob Lazar Story

Jan. 26, 1959: Robert Scott Lazar (RL) born in Coral Gables, Florida
The location, Coral Gables, is given in Good’s book. Good also states that George Knapp checked with the hospital RL claims to have been born at in Coral Gables and “ records could be found.” (1) The date is from RL’s first marriage certificate, however only his State of birth is listed, not the city. (10)A note on birth records in Florida. There are usually 3 different locations birth records are kept. The first, the hospital of birth, is also the least reliable, since it not an “official” repository of records. Records may or may not be found there. The next source, which is very reliable, is the Health Department of the County of birth. However, the best and most comprehensive birth record source for the State of Florida is the State Department of Health and Rehabilitation Services, Vital Statistics, PO Box 210, Jacksonville, FL 322231-0042. (904) 359-6900 (Recorded info). This location maintains copies of all birth records for the State, going back to 1917.
However, as a result of a State statute enacted in 1987, all birth records in Florida are now considered confidential. Copies, or even information from certificates, may only be issued to the birth registrant, the parents or legal guardian, or a legal representative of the registrant. So it appears no one can verify the claim that RL’s birth records have vanished without his written permission.
In more recent disclosure in an Internet nwsgroup, Gene Huff (RL’s friend and partner) disclosed the reason RL had difficulty obtaining a copy of his birth record was due to his adoptive status, but one was finally acquired.
1974: Social Security number issued in New York State.RL’s Social Security number and current address, while in the public records, have been deleted from this document in the interests of his privacy. However, the SS # begins with 068 which indicates it was issued in the state of New York. It is possible to determine from the remainder of the SS # that it most likely was issued in 1974.

August 1976: According to Stanton Friedman, RL graduated from W. Tresper Clarke High School (740 Edgewood Drive, East Meadow Union Free District) in Westbury Long Island, New York. His class standing was number 261 out of a class of 369. Further, according to Friedman, this would put RL in the bottom third of his class and entry into Cal Tech or MIT generally requires the student be in the top 10% of the class. (15)

1976: Claims to have attended Los Angeles Pierce College.(14)This has been confirmed by Stanton Friedman. After RL stated that one of his professors at Cal Tech was named “Duxler”, Friedman located a William Duxler, a Math and Physics professor at Pierce College, who was able to determine that RL had taken at least one of his courses in the late 1970’s. Duxler said he never taught at Cal Tech. (15)June 1977:RL’s parents purchased a home at 20650 Martha Street in Woodland Hills, California. (OR 77-592189 thru 592191) (10)August 1978:RL’s parents moved to 4914 Natoma Avenue in Woodland Hills. (OR 78-1030636 thru 1030638) (10)1978:RL claims a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and Electronic Technology, from Pacifica University (correspondence university), according to RL’s Pre-Sentence Report for his pandering conviction (Case 94922). Pacifica was shut down in 1978 by the State of California for selling degrees.“1977 or 78”:Claims to have attended Cal State University, Northridge, “for a short time for some classes”, then on to CalTech. (14)
“The Big T” is the student yearbook for CalTech. At the Millikan Library at CalTech, every page of every issue of “The Big T” from the year 1977 through 1982 was checked. There is no photo or mention of RL anywhere in any of the activities, highly improbable were he a student there. Checking by George Knapp (1) and Stanton Friedman with the administration revealed no records of RL’s attendance. Although Good reports Friedman has confirmed RL’s attendance at Cal State Northridge, Friedman says this is not correct and he has not made any inquiries to Cal State Northridge. (There was a Robert Lazar who graduated from Northridge in 1978 with a degree in Business Administration, but examination of the yearbook clearly indicates he’s a different Lazar)(1) (15)
July 27, 1980: RL married Carol Nadine Strong in Woodland Hills, California.
According to the marriage certificate, at the time of the marriage they were both living at 21619 Strathern, #1, Canoga Park, California. The certificate list’s RL’s occupation as “Electronics Engineer” and his highest school grade completed as 12. RL’s birthdate was listed as January 26, 1959 in Florida. Carol’s occupation was listed as “Electronics Technician” and her highest school grade completed was also 12. Carol’s date of birth was March 21, 1946, in California, making her 13 years older than RL. The certificate lists this as the first marriage for both.Per the certificate RL’s parents were Albert Lazar and Phyllis Berliner (maiden name), both born in New York state. Carol’s parents were Harold Strong, born in California, and Verda Jones (maiden name), born in Colorado. The marriage was witnessed by Chee Leung of 1485 1/4 Scott Avenue in Los Angeles, and Lois Kurz of 15210 Sherman Way, #52, in Van Nuys. The marriage was conducted by Rabbi Bernard M. Cohen of 23300 Aetna Street in Woodland Hills, Calif. (Certificate # 1980 O-025327) (10)
“Probably 1982”: Date of claimed Masters Degree from MIT. (14)
At Rachel-93, RL was asked for the year of his graduation from MIT and if he got a Ph.D. He replied, “No, it was a Master’s degree. The year. What was the year of graduation? Probably eighty two because I think I left there and went to Los Alamos.”Glenn Campbell checked the following sources at the Institute Archives at MIT (See reference 14): Student directories between 1978 and 1990, Faculty/Staff phone directories between 1978 and 1990, MIT Degree List between 1979 and 1980, and the 1989 MIT Alumni/ae Register. There was no listing of RL in any of these documents. (16) Stanton Friedman has also checked with the MIT Registrar’s office and the Alumni office and has found no evidence of attendance. Friedman reports RL is not on the 1982 commencement list. (15)
1982: Listing in Los Alamos National Laboratory phone book, located by George Knapp. (8)
Stanton Friedman states: “The phone book is not just from LANL but LANL, The Department of Energy, Kirk Meier (spelling uncertain) and others. The listing after Bob’s name clearly shows K/M which means Kirk Meier and proves he did NOT work for LANL, but for a subcontractor. This seems appropriate since the Meson Facility mentioned in the Monitor article is a user facility with teams coming from all over to set up their equipment for experiments at the accelerators. As many as 1000 people per year can go through there. They work at the Lab, NOT for the Lab. They do get listed in the phone directory. He apparently was a technician.” (15)Strangely, the bankruptcy file (13) in 1986 does not show employment at LANL or Kirk-Mayer (correct spelling), only that of a self-employed photo processor.
May 1982:According to the Los Alamos Monitor, RL and Carol moved to Los Alamos from California. From the dates and addresses listed in the bankruptcy papers, it appears they settled in a rented duplex at 3964-B Sycamore and at some later date opened a photo processing business at 941-A 18th Street. (3) (13)June 27, 1982: Los Alamos Monitor article appeared about RL and his Honda jet car. (3)The article, which appeared on the front page, identifies RL as “..a physicist at the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility.” There are a total of four photos of what appear to be a Honda Civic hatchback (California license plate JETUBET) with air scoops on the top and sides, and a jet nozzle protruding from the rear where the license plate would normally go. The article says the engine, composed of stainless steel and titanium, runs for 30 to 60 seconds on liquid propane with a kerosene afterburner producing 800 pounds of thrust. Oddly, “The jet cannot get the car going from a dead stop…” and must be driven in the normal manner up to about 90 mph. There is no compressor and RL claimed it was “..the most efficient jet engine available. A standard jet uses six pounds of fuel for every pound of thrust; Lazar said he uses 1.3 pounds of fuel for a pound of thrust.” RL stated the car had been driven over 200 mph on a dry lake near Los Angeles. The article states the car “…attracts a lot of attention for the Lazars, who moved to Los Alamos about a month ago from California.” From the article’s descriptions of the Lazars’ experiences in California, it appears they had been there for some time before coming to Los Alamos.June 28, 1982:
Dr. Edward Teller gives a lecture at Los Alamos and RL claims to have met him prior to the talk as Teller was reading Sunday’s newspaper story about RL and his jet car (The Monitorwas not published on Mondays). (1) (3)The Los Alamos Monitor of June 29, 1982 reported on its front page that Teller spoke at length against the nuclear freeze movement in this country. The article also said the auditorium at LANL was packed.
1984:The bankruptcy papers show RL borrowed $4,000 from his mother(Phyllis S. Lazar) and, at the time of the bankruptcy filing, had repaid only $500. (13)
1985:Per the April 1994 issue of Omni magazine, “…while on vacation in Nevada, he (RL) wound up buying into a legal Reno brothel; the investment proved so profitable that he didn’t have to return to full time employment for a while”. Per Good, it was owned by RL and Carol, and called the “Honeysuckle Ranch” in northern Nevada. In the bankruptcy papers filed in 1986, no mention is made of any ownership of income from a brothel.
1985:According to the bankruptcy papers, RL purchased a 1984 Corvette for $19,000. Repaid only $550. It was repossessed in 1986 prior to the bankruptcy filing. (13)
1985:RL borrowed $15,000 from father (Albert M. Lazar), and had repaid only $1,000 by the time of the bankruptcy filing. (13)
1985:According to the bankruptcy papers, RL borrowed a total of $60,000 from Los Alamos National Bank, secured by a $7,900 1984 Honda. Repaid only $1,300 by the time of the bankruptcy filing. (13)
March 22, 1985:RL borrowed at least $12,000 from the Bank of Los Alamos for retrofit kits to the film printer(s) at his photo processing business and 300 rolls of 35mm film. Repaid only $300 by the time of the bankruptcy filing and the equipment was repossessed at some time prior to the filing. (13)
May 7, 1985:According to the bankruptcy papers, RL and Carol borrowed $5,000 via a “3 Minute Loan” from Security Pacific Finance Corp. of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
(13)June 13, 1985:RL and Carol purchased a new home at 1933 Ann Greta Street in Las Vegas from R.A. Homes of Nevada (OR 2129:2088021). From the bankruptcy file and other documents, it appears Carol took up primary residence there and RL remained in Los Alamos. (11)1986:Purchased 1985 Honda CRX for $9,000. Repaid only $300 by the time of the bankruptcy filing and was repossessed sometime in 1986, prior to the filing. (13)March 26, 1986:RL borrowed $2,000 from John Horne of Los Alamos for down payment on a jet car. As of March 2, 1987, the debt had not been repaid, according to the bankruptcy file. (13)April 19, 1986: RL married Tracy Anne Murk at the “We’ve Only Just Begun” Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas.At the time, RL was apparently still legally married to Carol. No divorce proceedings were on file with the Clark County Clerk’s office, and Carol’s published obituaries and death certificate identified RL as her husband at the time. The minister at the wedding was William Sharp and the recorded marriage certificate was mailed to 1073 Cheyenne, Los Alamos. (OR 0765:0400067) (11)April 21, 1986: Carol Lazar died in Las Vegas. (4)(5)
Carol Lazar’s death certificate (# 001423-86) is on file with the Clark County Health District, 625 Shadow Lane, Las Vegas, (702) 383-1223. The district will not release copies of certificates except to family members or in a few other special instances. However, the certificates are available for inspection by those with “legitimate interests”. This would include journalists and researchers.According to data on the certificate, the death was ruled a suicide and the cause was carbon monoxide poisoning. The method was given as “Inhalation of motor vehicle exhaust”. It occurred at 1933 Ann Greta. The case was referred to the Coroner, but no autopsy was performed.
Quoting the obituary in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, April 23, 1986, Page 2B: “Carol Lazar died Monday. She was a two-year resident of Las Vegas and was a self-employed film processor in the photography industry. She is survived by her husband Robert of Las Vegas. Private services and burial were handled by Davis Funeral Home”.
April 1986:Per statements in the bankruptcy file, RL left Los Alamos and moved to Las Vegas. The addresses listed in those papers indicate he moved to the Ann Greta house. (13)
July 21, 1986: RL files for bankruptcy.
RL voluntarily filed for a Chapter 7 (which is a liquidation) bankruptcy in Las Vegas citing “loss of business” and “death of spouse” as reasons.(Case BK 86-01623). (13)In the file, under penalty of perjury, RL stated his occupation was a Photo Processor, that he was self employed at his residence, and had been so for 6 years. There was no mention of employment at LANL. When asked if he had been in a partnership with anyone or engaged in any business within the preceding 6 years, RL stated “No”. Within the preceding 2 years, RL stated the amount of income he received from his trade was “Unknown”, that he had received no other income from other sources and had not filed tax returns for the period.
RL stated that his records for the two years prior to July 1986, along with $15,000, had vanished with his accountant, Scott R. Maxwell of Santa Fe, who moved and left no forwarding address. RL said a police report on the incident was filed in Los Alamos.
RL also stated no other person was holding anything of value in which he had an interest. There was no mention anywhere in the documents of ownership, either part or full, of a brothel.
RL listed his monthly expenses for mortgage, utilities, food, car payments, etc., as totaling $2,360. He listed another monthly debt of $13,150, and although required to specify what it was, did not. Thus his total monthly expenses were given as $15,510.
Oct. 12, 1986: RL married Tracy for a second time.This time, for reasons unknown, Tracy used the name of Jackie Dianne Evans. Wedding was at the “Chapel of Love” in Las Vegas by Minister James B. Terrell (OR 0773:0431981). The recorded marriage certificate was sent to the Ann Greta address. (11)March 19, 1987: Bankruptcy final decree was issued.Final accounting showed $173,250 in assets (home and photo equipment), and $270,324 in debts. (13)1988:RL met John Lear, precise date unknown. (1)March 16, 1988:A “Notice of Default” was issued for the Ann Greta house for failing to make payments from 7-1-87 and thereafter. The trustee of the loan declared it due and if not paid immediately, would be foreclosed on. (OR 880316:00333)(11)March 22, 1988:
Tracy/Jackie purchased a home on LXXXXX Street in Las Vegas under the name “Jackie Evans”.The home was purchased from Michael and Carolyn Tutay by “Jackie Evans, a married woman as her sole and separate property”. Concurrently, RL quitclaimed any interests in this house to her ( OR 880322:124 thru 127). ( A quitclaim is a document transferring whatever rights or interests a property owner may have, if any, to another without any guarantee or warranty of title.) (11)
August 4, 1988:The Ann Greta house was sold at auction by the trustee for $97,400 (OR 880912:262). (11)
December 1988: RL began claimed work period at S-4.(1)According to Good, RL “..would be called by phone and told when to go to McCarran Airport, where a Boeing 737 (probably a 737-200 belonging to EG&G) would fly him and others to Groom Lake. From there, after waiting briefly in a cafeteria, a bus with blocked out windows drove the remainder of the journey along a dirt road to an area estimated to be ten to fifteen miles south of Groom Lake, adjacent to Papoose Lake.”
March 1989: According to Good’s account, RL began initial interviews with George Knapp. (1)Per the Lindemann interview, they were done for “safekeeping” (2). Curiously, in a radio interview with Chuck Harder on the “For The People” show on November 17, 1989, George Knapp stated John Lear didn’t introduce him to RL until May, 1989.March 22, 1989: First Wednesday night trip to Tikaboo Valley to view disc test.Observers were RL, Tracy Lazar, Gene Huff and John Lear, using Lear’s RV. Lear was the only one who saw the elliptical shaped light through a telescope and the total sighting lasted about 7 minutes. (1)
March 29, 1989: Second Wednesday night trip to view test.Observers were RL, Tracy Lazar, Gene Huff and Jim Tagliani. They took a videotape of a moving light with a timestamp of 8:30 PM shown on the tape. (1) (2) (9)
April 5, 1989: Third Wednesday night trip to view test.Observers were RL, Tracy Lazar, her sister, Gene Huff and John Lear. They were discovered by guards and detained and questioned by the Lincoln County Sheriff. (1) (14)
April 7, 1989: RL’s last “work day”. Debriefed at Indian Springs Airfield. (1)RL says he was ordered to report to Indian Springs where he was interrogated about the previous night’s activities. In Good’s book RL says “I was never officially fired and my clearance was never officially taken away”, but that he refused to go back for fear of his safety. In Lindemann’s book RL says “I didn’t actually leave, they denied my clearance.” The reason given for the clearance revocation was the instability of RL’s marriage to Tracy, who RL claims was having an affair with her flight instructor. (14)
May 1989:According to sworn statements in the divorce records, RL separated from Tracy/Jackie. (12)
May 1989:RL’s first interviews with George Knapp were broadcast on Las Vegas’ KLAS-TV, in silhouette, using the pseudonym “Dennis”.
Nov. 10, 1989:KLAS-TV, which earlier in the week began a series of reports by George Knapp on UFOs, identified and interviewed RL.
Nov. 21, 1989:RL and Gene Huff were guests on the “Billy Goodman Happening” radio show on KVEG 840 AM.
Nov. 25, 1989:“UFOs: The Best Evidence” a 2 hour compilation of previous reports, is shown on KLAS-TV.
Dec. 9, 1989:RL appeared on “On The Record”, hosted by George Knapp, on KLAS-TV.
Dec. 20, 1989:RL was a guest on the “Billy Goodman Happening” radio show on KVEG 840 AM.
June 5, 1990:RL was arrested in Las Vegas for pandering. (6)
June 18, 1990: RL plead guilty to a felony charge of pandering in District Court. (6)
According to the LV Sun, “The guilty plea was part of a plea bargain in which the district attorney’s office agreed not to pursue additional prostitution- related charges.”The story in the LV Review-Journal said RL met prostitute Toni Bulloch as a customer and helped her set up her business in the Newport Cove apartments on Tamarus Street. The story also stated, “The records show that Lazar later helped Bulloch in setting up the business, that he did indeed keep computer records of customers, and that he also took at least a 50 percent share of her fees. Lazar was also interested in recruiting other women into the operation, the records state.”
July 25, 1990: RL is divorced from Tracy/Jackie (Case D 130180). (12)According to the proceedings of the case, RL received the house on LXXXXX Street and any equipment and/or revenue from his businesses known as “Jet Processing”, “United Nuclear” and “Red Light Racing”. Tracy/Jackie received a pickup truck and various furniture and audio-video items. The proceedings also identified both marriages (i.e., first as Tracy and again as Jackie) and directed that Tracy/Jackie would retain the name “Tracy Lazar”.August 20, 1990: Sentencing date.
As a result of his pandering conviction, RL was sentenced to 6 months probation, 150 hours of community service, ordered to undergo psychotherapy and to stay away from brothels. (7)The article in the LV Review-Journal said that although “state parole and probation authorities had recommended a four month prison evaluation of Lazar”, the prosecutor, John Lukens, said that the circumstances of the case were such that “Metro vice and the DA have no opposition to probation.” The article also said the court received letters supporting RL from George Knapp and Representative James Bilbray, D-Nevada.
Sept. 13, 1990:“Jackie Evans Lazar” quitclaims house on LXXXXX Street to RL, thus transferring ownership to him. (OR 900913:00477) (11)
Dec. 12, 1990:The IRS places a $4,897 lien on RL for taxes (OR 901213:608). (11)
May 1, 1993:RL speaks at the “Ultimate UFO Seminar” held at the Little A-Le-Inn in Rachel, Nevada.(14)
June 11, 1993:
Daily Variety, an entertainment industry newspaper reports “New Line Nabs Pic Based on Gov’t UFO Scientist”. Excerpts from the story: “The life story of former U.S. government scientist Bob Lazar that was recently put into turnaround by Gruber-Peters Prods. has been put on an earthly fast track by New Line Cinema for director Chuck Russell, according to Michael De Luca, New Line’s exec veepee/CEO.””New Line finalized the deal for the untitled film on Wednesday after Lazar considered competing offers from producer Steve Tisch, Simpson-Bruckheimer Prods. and actor Steven Seagal, De Luca said.”
“De Luca said the pic will have an $8 million to $10 million budget and will shoot in fall or early `94 with a `94 release.”

Document Sources And Availability
(1) Alien Contact, by Timothy Good, published by William Morrow and Co., 1993 (AKA Alien Liaison)
(2) UFOs and The Alien Presence, 6 Viewpoints, by Michael Lindemann, 1991. Published by the 2020 Group, 3463 State Street, Box 264, Santa Barbara, CA 93105
(3) Los Alamos Monitor, June 27, 1982, page A1, “LA Man Joins the Jet Set – at 200 Miles an Hour”. This document is only available for on-site inspection and copying at the offices of the Monitor, 256 DP Road, Los Alamos, NM 87544. (505) 662-4185. This story has been transcribed and placed on the Internet.
(4) Las Vegas Sun, April 23, 1986, Page 8B, “Obituaries”. Available on microfilm at the offices of the Sun or numerous libraries.
(5) Las Vegas Review-Journal, April 23, 1986, Page 2B, “Deaths”. Available on microfilm at the offices of the R-J or numerous
(6) Las Vegas Review-Journal, June 19, 1990, Page 8B, “Source in Channel 8’s UFO series pleads guilty to pandering charge”. Available on microfilm at the offices of the R-J or numerous libraries.
(7) Las Vegas Review-Journal , August 21, 1990, Page 2C, “Judge gives UFO `witness’ Lazar probation on pandering charge”. Available on microfilm at the offices of the R-J or numerous libraries.
(8)UFO’s, The Best Evidence, video by George Knapp. Available from “Video Dave” at the UFO Audio-Video Clearing House, PO Box 342, Yucaipa, CA 92399, (909) 795-3361. Call for details and prices.
(9)The Lazar Tape, video by Tri-Dot Productions, 1324 S. Eastern, Las Vegas, NV 89104. This tape had been available at a price of $29.95 + $3.50 S&H. A newer, slightly more expensive version with enhanced production values is the final stages.
(10) Public records, Los Angeles County Registrar/Recorder/Clerk’s office., 12400 E. Imperial Highway, Norwalk, CA. (Marriage certificates are $13 each,: 310 462-2137) (Real estate documents are $2 for the 1st page and $0.50 for each page thereafter: 310 462- 2133)
(11) Public records, Clark County Recorder’s office, 309 S. 3rd Street, (or PO Box 551510) Las Vegas, NV 89155- 1510. (702) 455-4336. Cost for Official Records is $1.00 per page. Certified marriage certificates are $7.00.
(12) Public records, Clark County Clerk’s office, 200 S. 3rd Street (or PO Box 551601) Las Vegas, NV 89155-1601. (702) 455-4411. Cost varies per document. Call.
(13) Public records, Case BK 86-01623, US Federal Bankruptcy Court, Las Vegas.(702) 388-6257. Cost for bankruptcy papers is a $25.00 retrieval fee and about $8.00 for copying the roughly 120 pages of information.
(14) Public question and answer session by RL on May 1, 1993 at Rachel, Nevada. “Bob Lazar at The Ultimate UFO Seminar” transcript available from Glenn Campbell, PO Box 448, Rachel, NV 89001. Cost is $8.00 plus $2.00 postage (Overseas airmail is $5.00).
(15) Personal correspondence with Stanton Friedman, dated June 27, 1994. Quoted with permission.
(16) Documentation of Glenn Campbell’s search for RL’s records and instructor at MIT is available from him at PO Box 448, Rachel, NV 89001. Include $1.00 for copying and postage (This info is included as part of reference 14).