It was Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld’s job to plan for things like 9/11 when they both worked on those COG disaster scenario think tanks of the 80s.[1] And both Dick and Don actually worked in WTC 7 before 9/11 when they sat on the Foreign Policy Advisory Board for Solomon Smith Barney, which occupied 80% of the floor space in Building 7.[2]

SPC Tridata Corp had rebuilt the WTC after the ’93 bombing which gave them the full demolition knowledge[3], and explosives could easily have been placed in the buildings during those “fireproofing upgrades”[4], and the Ace Elevator Modernizations[5]. Meanwhile Tridata Corp’s parent company SPC International’s Radar Physics group had apparently also done some classified work on augment GPS guidance systems for airplanes which were related to and essential for the uninterruptible auto-pilot technology …[6a] But they did not admit to this when questioned about it [6b] Or pilot them with expertly controlled maneuvers, directly into the WTCs and Pentagon.[7]
SAIC helped develop nanothermite technologies[8] along with metallurgists from Battelle[9]. SAIC also made the SDI program lasers[10], as well as the Terahertz people scanners we now see in all our airports thanks to 9/11.[11] SAIC scientists also wrote a majorty of the NIST report which covered up the potential use of nanothermites in the WTC demolitions.[12]

The only metallurgical study that was done on WTC 7 Steel (Appendix C of the FEMA Report) [13] shows clear evidence that STEEL WAS MELTED, not just weakened on 9/11. The Mysterious Sulfide Eutectic on WTC 7 steel has never been explained scientifically.[14]
Debunkers have done not their own experiments showing how to produce these kinds of results, and this is not a unique piece of WTC 7 Steel. Evidence like this was everywhere and being destroyed at a rapid rate, if you look into why Dr. Jonathan Barnett saved this piece and insisted that this study be performed.

Additional Evidence for nanothermite includes molten lead and iron microspheres in the RJ Lee Group Dust Study,[14b] and the Bentham Open study by Ryan, Harrit, and Jones.[14c]. And the fact that the fires at ground zero burned for 3 entire months despite being sprayed with Millions of Gallons of forever chemical fire retardant. [14d]

WTC Security run by Alan Reiss and the PANYNJ (Port Authority) But the electronic surveillance, badging, and access control systems were installed by a Bush-connected CIA Front Company called “Securacom” which changed it’s named to “Stratesec”, and also installed the camera systems at Dulles and Logan Airport’s United Airlines terminals.[15] They were also connected to Put Options placed on Airline stocks before 9/11 and their parent company KuwAm held their annual meetings in offices owned by the Saudi Embassy.[16]

The COO for Securacom Stratesec was Barry W. McDaniel who went to National Defense University and worked under Frank Carlucci at BDM International before getting a job for an obscure electronics security contractor that seemed to have so many contracts connected with 9/11 Crime Scenes.
After 9/11 Barry went to work at a number of different companies, from Lockheed Martin, to LS2, to WSI International LLC, and is now a VP at Leidos Corp (Formerly SAIC)!

WTC Lease Holder Larry Silverstein insured the Towers through AIG, and banked $4.5 Billion from the 9/11 attacks![17] It appears that AIG had resold the policies through re-insurance scams like the ones they were convicted of running in 2008, but the SEC Closed the investigation upon pressure from the White House.[18]
But Lucky Larry Silvertein wasn’t the only one to miss work the morning of 9/11..

L. Paul Bremer CEO of Marsh and McLennan Companies missed work on the 93rd floor where the first plane hit, but instead of being there in his office, he instead went on MSNBC to be the first person to mention the name “Osama bin Laden” on air that morning, and tell everyone that Iraq and Iran were suspects as well![20] President Bush would later appoint Bremer to lead the Iraq War Invasion, and Bremer is the man credited with turning Iraq into the present day quagmire / forever war scenario currently unfolding there.[21]
Who else missed work the morning of 9/11?
-FAA National Operations Manager Ben Sliney[22]
-FAA Hijack Coordinator Mike Canavan.[23]
-Jeffrey Greenberg the son of AIG’s Maurice Greenberg[24]
-Rudy Giuliani was supposed to report to the OEM in Building 7, but instead spent the day wandering New York with the Media in tow.[25]
-The Entire FBI Hostage Rescue Unit was flown to Monterey California for a “company retreat” that week according to NBC State Department Correspondent Andrea Mitchell at 9:04am[26]
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld abandoned his post on 9/11, and was photographed tampering with evidence on the Pentagon lawn![27]
Richard Andrew Grove stumbled upon a glitch in the new fortune 500 trading platforms that Cantor Fitzgerald, Garban Intercapital, and other firms were now trading with, and was told to bring all his evidence to a meeting on the 93rd floor scheduled for that morning. Fortunately he was late for that meeting, and missed getting trapped in the towers. []

Who DIDN’T MISS WORK on 9/11…? And tragically lost their lives? Lot’s of people, but notably:
-John O’Neil the former FBI Agent assigned to Osama Bin Laden.
-Solicitor General Ted Olsen’s wife.
Instead of dive bombing all the important offices, like Rumsfeld’s Office in the North Wing, the terrorists allegedly hit the one wing that had recently undergone a $258Million Refurbishment. including blast resistant siding and windows.[28] The construction was performed by AMEC corp who had their trailers and supplies out in front of the Pentagon, and should have been hard at work that morning to complete their contract. But, surprisingly no AMEC employees were killed in the attack which killed 125 people in the Pentagon plus 64 on board Flight 77. [29]
The plane and the building were at less than half their capacity!

Were some people warned not to fly, or not to go to work that day?
[4] NCSTAR 1–6, p-20
[7] “Declassifying 9/11” Aidan Monaghan p.?
[10] Project Excalibur , ,
[14] NIST Lead Engineer John Gross
[15] Jonathan Cole P.E. “The Mysterious Eutectic”
[20] Paul Bremer MSNBC interview 12:46 9/11/2001
[25] ,